Counting is under way for nominees to Seanad Éireann (the upper house of the Irish parliament) on Thursday. One of the ...
Cork City has been plagues with serious and sustained problems with drinkable water - an issue that CorkBeo has reported on exhaustively for several years. Now Prime Time investigates will - tonight - ...
Independent Senator Michael McDowell is the first candidate to be elected in the first count of the Seanad election. He was ...
The Government’s proposal has been shot down by the opposition and could lead to further unrest when the Dáil returns next Wednesday ...
The Seanad has 60 members, known as Senators or Seanadóirí, and its main function is to debate laws, known as bills, which have been proposed by the Government. The Seanad can vote to change a bill, ...
The full list of appointments to junior and super-junior ministries was confirmed yesterday, with more TDs added to those revealed last week, bringing the total to a record 23. However, only six are ...