Children's exposure to food and drink ads during kids' TV shows has dropped substantially since food and beverage makers ...
One of the top sources of added sugar in kids' diets is in their breakfast bowls. A new study shows that advertising drives ...
A new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that advertising drives sales of high-sugar cereals market ...
Children in Canada are exposed to more than 4,000 ads for food on their mobile devices every year, with the vast majority ...
The federal government acknowledges that food marketing campaigns have a significant factor on what we eat. Should Canada restrict food ads to children?
High sugar cereal brands target TV ads directly to kids under age 12. And this targeted advertising leads to greater household purchases of unhealthy kid cereals, a new study finds.
Lawmakers attempting to regulate children’s access to social media must decide whether bans or warning labels are the optimal ...
At issue was the suggestion of a law that would help protect children from alluring advertising, plus schemes like including toys as part of fast-food meals, etc. In other words, a law that would ...
This report recommended regulating the marketing and advertising of unhealthy food to children aged under 16 across television, radio, gaming and online. It also recommended food labelling reforms ...
a study of childhood obesity and television ads estimated that banning junk food ads for children could reduce obesity by up to 18% in the U.S. Efforts to introduce limits across the U.K. have ...
Despite advertising restrictions on public health risks like gambling and alcohol, junk food advertisements in Australia remain largely unregulated. A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study ...