"One on the House" has been chosen as the title for the 1941 show presented by the Hasty Pudding Club, which will first be performed here and in Boston the week of March 24, before the ...
The first Cambridge performance of "Branglebrink," given at the Hasty Pudding Club House last evening was entirely successful. The theatre was well filled with a typical Cambridge audience ...
The Hasty Pudding Club held its annual "strawberry night" last night at the club house, a considerable number of graduates being present. The entertainment consisted of a one-act farce ...
Next Thursday at 8.30, p.m. the Hasty Pudding Club's opera, "The Sphinx, or Love at Random," will be repeated for the last time. The performance is given for the benefit of the 'varsity crew ...
Just one week previous to the Junior Dance at Memorial Hall, the Hasty Pudding Club and the Union will give their annual Spring dances. The Hasty Pudding Dance will be held on Friday, March 12 at ...
The Hasty Pudding Club announced last night the appointment of the committee and ushers for its dance to be given in the club house on Friday, March 25. John Watts '28 is chairman of the dance ...
Manuscripts in the Hasty Pudding Club play competition are due tomorrow. They should be handed in to T. S. Lamont '21 at the Crimson Building. The author or authors of the winning play.